Monday, October 1, 2007

And again Forex

Similar that people, in the desire to earn " on an empty place ", become blind to obvious things. I already wrote about " мини Forex ", and how pensive expectation of a lung "бабла", can ship the person in the world of illusions. Certainly on a question: " than you are engaged? " To answer, that: " I the trader at a currency stock exchange " am abruptly. But, скольких on Forex personally you know successful traders? I of any. Usually, when examples of fabulous incomes on Forex are resulted, it is a question of " one guy " who is friend of my friend. I.e. personally I it do not know, but here my familiar … the Pancake, and people "are conducted". And the truth is those, that there is NO person who has earned on Forex, having begun with 100, 200 or 1000 dollars. Any. Open any advertising brochure any Forex of the center and what you there will see? " If you dream of a worthy life "," the small starting capital "," work, not leaving from the house "," in 3 years you the millionaire "," no, in one year ", etc., etc. I.e. if at you before it was not got on, come to Forex, and the life will be full " кина, fault and домина ". You are ready to learn free of charge that you have got acquainted with all secrets of financial bigwigs of Forex. To you offer the demonstration account that you were trained and "has got the hand". Eventually, when you will put on the real account of the of 100 dollars, to you will give a so-called shoulder that you could затариться currency on the whole 1000 because about 1000 exhaust more. Think, well why of us so care? Well what for we are necessary to them? Directly patrons of art, differently you will not tell. More than that, for advertising the these charities человеколюбы, are ready to pay бешенные money. Know whose advertising on the Internet the most dear? Correctly, Forex! And how many it is necessary to pay, that about you constantly spoke on the air of the most popular telechannel (That, Where When - remember?). Certainly, all business not in charity, is simple tens thousand people, having got on Forex a fishing tackle, the blood hundreds bear, hoping on Forex

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